Prep - Structure


To protect Participants from the sun and create an intimate space for a delicate experience, a 10 ' x 10' structure was designed. 

We had 2 doors to enter the structure on opposite sides. The walls consist of 70% black tarp (to allow for wind flow) and the roof was thick beige tarps.

The Bones

1" EMT (Metal conduit

9 pieces of 7' conduit - vertical poles

4 pieces of 5' conduit - horizontal poles

5 pieces of 10' conduit - horizontal poles


Where available, connectors and feet were purchased. However, some parts didn't exist so we fabricated them ourselves including a 6-direction conduit coupler and an antenna mast coupler with guy-wire loops.

"Well this here is some wood"

Interp Panel Structure 

The center structure was built from 1/2" plywood and 2x4 posts (except for a single 4x4 post (for hole symmetry)). Using threaded inserts and 3/8" bolts we were able to disassemble the structure without worrying about stripping threads and to reduce MOOP on playa.

In these photos of the test build you can see how the panels attach to the poles, and how the electrical panels fit

Test Build

In our backyard we performed a test build of the conduit and wood structure getting to what we thought was 80% of the whole build. It took four hours and was closer to 40% of how long it would take us on playa.

Conduit stood up ready for ratchet straps and, solar panels, and tarps

External structure done, seems to work and be stable!

About where we called it, everything seemed to go well enough