Prep - Accessories

Generator Box

Whispers of a Distant Storm is designed to work on solar, but as a backup, we brought a generator. This flat-pack generator box was designed to mask the generator and still let it breathe. The hexagon pattern pays homage to the Beehive State, the place we call home 🐝 The photos below show an early version where the hexagaons weren't quite perfectly lined up, this was later fixed. 

If we needed to use this our plan was to place it 25 feet away and dig a trench for the extension cord. 

Here you can _clearly_ see the misalignment 🥲

One down, ready to be trimmed and cleaned

We learned how to use a CNC for this project. CNC routers are a game changer for silly projects like this

Bike Rack

Design by Playatech (thanks dusty friends!)

Loveseat bench

Modified from an original Playatech design 

(thanks dusty friends!)

This was one of the first projects we used the CNC router for and we learned quite a bit in the process. 

Cutting the first version on the CNC router

We opted to shellack the panels to make them weather and wear resistant. Shellack is the devil and this was very overkill

They did turn out nicely though!

We couldn't help but engrave our logo as an homage to The Catsle

Gifting Pendants

One of the 10 Principles of Burning Man is gifting "Burning Man is devoted to acts of gift giving. The value of a gift is unconditional. Gifting does not contemplate a return or an exchange for something of equal value." There is no money exchanged at Burning Man (except for ice) and no bartering. 

We wanted to provide a physical gift, beyond the installation, for a subset of participants. So, we designed a pendant for a necklace that was on theme with Whispers of a Distant Storm. After a few iterations, we landed on a lightning bolt with headphones, which represented the installation's core of listening to lightning. 

Paul designed and cut the pendants using a laser cutter. There were personalized pendants for Paul, Xeli, and Goblin King (our art liason at the ARTery). 

We cut the pendants from two types of plastic, one was blue and one was yellow. Both fluoresced brightly under black light. Black string was added to make them a necklace.